Congratulations pour as Skit Maker,Cute Abiola Splash Over 400 Millions on two Luxurious Suv cars

Skitmaker, Abdulgafar Ahmed Abiola, better known as Cute Abiola has joined the list of celebrities who have acquired luxurious cars in 2023, Praizemedia report.

Taking to his Instagram page, Cute Abiola shared pictures of himself and a video as he posed with his new cars.


In his comment section, congratulatory messages poured in from his colleagues and fans.

Sabalo Comedy wrote: “My honorable sir”

Sam Speedy wrote: “G wagon”

Papaya Ex wrote: “Honorable hottest”

Isbae U wrote: “Gbayi”

Zicsaloma wrote: “Odowgu”

Broda Shaggi, Jide Awobona and others simply celebrated him with emojies.

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